How I Used Extra Bamboo to Make A Decorative Bamboo Ladder for a Plant Trellis {Tutorial}

  I planted a bougainvillaea last week in one of our patio planter boxes, and it needed something to climb and wind around. I also wanted something in that area that would help replace the look of the fig tree and fill up some…

The Headboard Is Almost Finished

Today was beautiful here, if a bit chilly for spring, and I took advantage of the nice weather to work on a few of my ongoing projects. I thinned the stand of bamboo some more and then stripped the pruned canes so that now…

Taming the Black Bamboo

We have a small grove of black bamboo planted in our back yard, and while its not completely taking over everything it does need a bit of maintenance to keep it in line. We planted it about five years ago to try and block…