Watercolor Paintings with Black Glue Outlines

Another one of our summer projects, inspired by a project from my daughter’s school art program – watercolors with an outline of black glue. This gives the picture the appearance almost of stained glass, and keeps the colors from bleeding over the lines. I…

Felt-Board for Storytelling

We have a big trip coming up in about 6 weeks and it involves a loooong plane ride, so I’m starting to think about how to entertain the little munchkins while we’re airborne. One thought was to make a small feltboard that I can…

Pixel Painting Take Two

Awhile back I saw a neat idea for pixel painting and tried it out. Here’s my latest attempt: Here’s the image I used:

Throw Your Dreams Into Space

Sunset in Pixels

As I was browsing Pinterest this afternoon, looking for something to do for today’s project, I came across this pin, which led me to this post on Wit & Whistle about pixel painting. The basic idea is to scale a photograph down to just…