Papier-mache Easter Eggs – Finished

I was all ready to write a long post about finishing up these papier-mache Easter eggs, but man am I exhausted! Here’s some photos instead:         I used muffin tins to lay out the treats I used to fill the eggs….

Papier-mache Easter Eggs

I’m making papier-mache Easter eggs for Sunday. I saw the idea last year on the fabulous blog Not Martha, and I made these same eggs for my daughter’s birthday party favors last summer (they were ‘dinosaur eggs’ in keeping with the party theme). Its…

Chicken with Olives and Tomatoes: Slow Cooker Saturday Supper

Sometimes it’s so nice to come home from a rainy day out and about to a meal that’s already cooked and waiting for you. The house is filled with warm and cozy smells and most of the work is already done. I threw the…

Easter Eggs in the Trees

We finished part two of our garden Easter decorating today. We took plastic Easter eggs, strung heavy-duty thread through them using a sewing needle and hung them from our front-yard oak tree. The smaller solid colored eggs were super easy to string because each…

Decorating the Garden For Easter

It was so beautiful today that on the way home from the store my daughter and I had the same idea – lets decorate the garden for Easter! We got out the eggs we made last year (plastic Easter eggs stuck onto little sticks…

Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

I worked on a lot of stuff today but don’t have much completed to show for it. The temperature finally crept above 50 degrees here (well, okay, it was right AT 50) so I got some more paint on the headboard. It still needs…

Tilapia with Lemon Caper Sauce and Greek Salad

Oooh-eee I was inspired tonight! I didn’t set out to make this dinner but as I got ready to cook it all came together, which is my favorite kind of cooking. We had tilapia filets pan fried in olive oil, seasoned with garlic salt,…

Two Kids in One Bedroom – All Done!

My mother-in-law is coming to stay with us in a few weeks and since she’s staying for five months she needs her own room; thus the challenge of merging both kids’ things into one bedroom. Here are some before pictures of my daughter’s room…

Working Hard

Still working away. We worked steadily from 7AM until 5:30 PM and then took a break to have dinner with friends. The kids room is probably 70% done and our room is almost all painted but not ready for the big reveal yet. Hopefully…

Underway – Project Bedrooms

I feel like I’m in the midst of a ‘While You Were Out’ episode and my kids are the clients. We’ve gotten the loft bed assembled and we’re bringing toys and furniture back in. Tomorrow we start on our room.