Lights Out Apple Pie

I asked Alvaro what kind of cake he’d like for his birthday, and his answer was “Pie!”. So Apple Pie it is on this snowy Wednesday. After a busy day of sledding and a trip to the vet, I got all my ingredients out this afternoon, opened up the cookbook (I used the recipe “The Best Apple Pie” from The King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion; and got to work. I was humming right along, about to put the filling into the crust and pop that baby into the oven when (duh duh duh) the lights went out! I stuck the pie plate with crust into the fridge and slapped some foil over the bowl of filling to stick it outside to keep chilled (since it was 28 degrees out there).

After an hour I figured if I was able to post anything today, it would have to be the way I used various jars and vases to create hurricane lamps for the candles around the house!

Just as we were about to give up and head to the mall for dinner and a romp on the indoor playground, the lights came back on. The oven went back on, the crust came out of the fridge, the filling came back inside and into the pie, et voila! The Best Apple Pie:

I don’t know if its really the best apple pie, but it was pretty darn good.