Little Girl Sweater Embellishment

I bought my daughter a sweater a few months ago and she has absolutely refused to wear it. Its main offense is that it’s not pink, followed by the fact that its not purple, or sparkly. Lastly, it offends her that its brown. Here’s the sweater:

The sweater – before

 Yesterday I was sorting through her clothes to give away things that were outgrown or not being used when I came across the sweater. I told her I was going to give it away since she didn’t wear it, and she said if I added pink and flowers to it she’d use it.

 I thought to myself “Ok, great – I can do that!” and got to work on it:


The sweater – after
 I embroidered pink flowers with ribbon stems on both lapels, and began to add pink detailing to the knit chevrons on the torso (you can just see that on the bottom left of the photo above). After working for an hour or so, it occurred to me to ask her what she thought before I went any farther. The verdict: “Um, I’m still not going to wear it”. So, um, I’m not going to finish it!
Detail – right lapel
Detail – left lapel

2 Comments on “Little Girl Sweater Embellishment

  1. It’s really cute though with the flowers — someone will love it.