Working on Big Ideas

Today I spent quite a bit of time writing and thinking and writing some more. First on the idea for a project I’d like to work on, but that needs a sort of a roadmap to proceed; I’ve had the basic idea but am still working on the how-to and what meaning I’d like to express with it. Second I worked for a bit on a post for this site, but its not done and will have to go up in the next few days – I’ve got it outlined and some written but its not complete and I’d like to think about it a bit more.

It was a beautiful day today and I spent part of my writing time on a lounge chair in the yard, until the kiddos tried to spray me with the hose! Little naughties!

Here’s a glance at my sketching and writing for the aforementioned project:

I also updated posts from July 3rd and July 4th to add pictures.